Saturday, May 5, 2012

Halfway Point Post

Aloha All Nevada Voters, friends and family:

Thank you for the recent donations.

At the halfway point of our WhistleStop America Campaign tour,

We found 35 KByte Amtrak WiFi in the Cafe Car and wish to report some surprising findings.

Despite widespread media market pessimism across America,
we were startled by eye-witness and first-hand reports from passengers and hosts including~

A) 21 bids on a CA RE property leading to over market price bids and price action in multiple markets coast to coast 
B) Sold-out Amtrak trains with many jobs available up to six figure benefits a year,
C) full parking lots and store traffic at HD, LOW and WMT,
D) Busy restaurants from Colorado to Chicago to Madison to Cleveland to Boston to Martha's Vineyard to DC so far.

It appears America is on a rock and roll star tour.

That suggests several things:

1) Possible re-election of 0  unless Ron Paul is the  Nominee
(Intrade currently at 59.7%
2) A three-year Real Estate Recovery:
3) An 1850 SPX up +35%

Stay tuned for more good news re government reform beginning in the 12 June 2012 NV primary...


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